Wednesday, June 21, 2006


I went to the dojo today. I've been wondering why I didn't go back at all in the past year. While it's true that money was short and I couldn't afford training, I wonder why I never called to let them know how things were going or stopped in to visit. Why in the world would I have let these people, who are like my family, out of my life for so long? I think part of it was because I was embarrassed. I didn't want to walk in and explain why I suddenly wasn't prego anymore. I realize now that it was a stupid reason; if anything I needed to go and tell them. I needed their support most of all. They were happy to see me, and it was great to chat with everyone. So much has happened in everyone's lives.

I start training again on Monday. I'm looking forward to it, but I'm also pretty nervous. I know that I'm severely out of practice. I can't even remember simple kata (choreographed movements- it's what you see people doing alone in movies). I'm also out of shape. I haven't been to the gym in months. I have the feeling that these next couple of weeks are going to be sore for me! I'm probably going to be spending the weekend brushing up on my "skills".


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