It makes me itch all over to read these ingredients to vaccines. I realize and acknowledge the medical importance of vaccinations, and feel that some of them are in fact necessary for survival against pandemics. However, the materials that are used to make these vaccines seem to be equally harmful at times. It concerns me that many vaccines have become needlessly routine, and even though there is no medical need for them parents are still chided for not having their children receive them. There are recent studies that show no link between the polio vaccine and autism, however the media and medical community are using these most recent studies to sweep other studies under the rug which may show a correlation between vaccinations and MS as well as psycho-social disorders. There are other studies which show links between un-necessary vaccines and auto-immune disorders. Looking at the ingredients to many of these vaccines, it is not surprising as many of our immune systems no longer understand what species we are!
I understand that vaccines for diseases such as polio have saved countless lives, and that it continues to save countless lives. I am not debating the importance of vaccinations. What I disagree with is the materials with which the vaccinations are made, and how often we needlessly subject our children to these chemicals and harmful organic material, for a vaccine against something like rotavirus (a vaccine that was never thoroughly tested, yet administered to infants, and later recalled for its dangerous effects) Yes, rotavirus can be dangerous if the infant is not treated for dehydration. Yes I've dealt with it and seen how nasty it can get. However, I do not see this as a reason to pump "bovine fetal serum" and "potassium monophosphate" into my child just in case he comes into contact with it.
Daryl and I will be declining the hep. B vaccine that we just found out is systematically given to newborns at birth. After doing research, we learned that the vaccine was initially intended for babies who were born to mothers that are carriers of hep. B, and somewhere along the line it became what is referred to as "routine procedure." I KNOW that I do not have hep. B, and if I didn't know it before being prego, I would have found out because that is one of the things they tested me for at my first visit. So I don't think the baby will be exposed to the disease within the first few hours of life, nor do I feel that this is the time to inject him with an antibiotic that he may have a bad reaction to. He has just come into the world, and already we want to bombard his poor little body with foreign matter and chemicals. It just doesn't seem right to do this when he has no need for the vaccine at this time!
On a lighter note, we are still waiting for his arrival! I am getting extremely uncomfortable and tired, and am no longer scared of labor. I think I would shout for joy if I went into labor right after posting this. Everything is ready for you Jonah! Come out to play!
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